consistency — Blog — Bo Law Kung Fu


Put in the Time, Reap the Benefits

It’s a gorgeous, sunny day. Don’t forget opportunity cost.  You might say, “What? What is that?”

With every action that you take there is another corresponding reaction. This happens in every aspect of the universe, as well as your own life. Each decision that you make, and the endeavors that you choose to embark on, have a direct impact on the outcome of everything that you do.

For example, today is the first gorgeous, warm, sunny day in many months. And many individuals will think, “Hey!  Wait a minute, let me take the day off and go to the park, or go to the beach, or go for a drive, or sit in an outdoor cafe and enjoy my latte.”  And that’s great, and you should.  But keep in mind the opportunity cost. 

And you might say, “What do you mean?  It doesn’t cost me anything to go to the park, and I am free to do whatever I want.”  And so you are.  But be careful the choices that you make.  Nothing in this life is truly free.  In the end, you have to pay.  You pay with your time, your effort, your energy and your mental focus.  This is what is meant by “opportunity cost.”

What am I doing right now? I’m sitting on top of the rooftop of my school, enjoying the sun, and I’m preparing my lesson plan for this evening. I could easily call out. I could easily cancel my privates and ask my top instructor to cover my classes, but I’m not going to do that, because I know that by teaching my classes, I’m going to benefit and my students are going to benefit.  We will learn from each other.  There will be many more sunny days when I can take off, but right now I make the choice to stay focused and stay with my training.

When talking about training in martial arts, it’s a continual process.  You can’t take a 6 month crash course. There’s no special technique that you can learn in a seminar that’s going to make you an unstoppable fighting machine or a grand master.  It’s a matter of consistently putting in the time.  If you choose to take that day off from your training, that’s already taking you one step back.  If on the other hand, even though it’s a “beautiful day” you choose to continue and maintain your training, not only will you benefit directly at that moment in time, but, you are also accumulating knowledge and skill that will be paid back to you at a later point in time. And, you still have plenty of time to enjoy the beautiful day. No one trains for 24 hours straight. Just spend an hour or two on your training every day, regardless of rain, snow or sunshine, and over time, you, too, will understand the concept of opportunity cost.

In every endeavor, including martial arts training, the concept of opportunity cost comes into play. That means there’s a trade-off; you get what you pay for.  You put in the time, and you’re going to reap the benefits.